Aspiring Backend Architect and Engineer

Nabil Amimer

My Skills

As I start this second year of my university studies, I have discovered that I am absolutely passionate about coding, whether it be programming in general or the community of brilliant people that surrounds it, there is nothing that I would rather do! Eager to learn every day, I aspire to become a great Backend Engineer with a focus in architecture, API development and Database administration. I love to take on challenges, especially when I am out of my comfort zone as it enables a great learning experience. In the hopes

Project And Experience

2022/05 - 2022/08


I had the amazing opportunity to work alongside great Developpers and Engineers in this first internship of mine. As a backend intern, my daily tasks were to meddle with API endpoints, fix problems with Databases, develop solutions and application for internal use, etc. It was the best learning experience as I had to opportunity to touch many technologies such as JS, C#, React and many more. Being exposed to a real work environment showed the importance of doing due diligence and most importantly, the importance of being prepared and organized when taking on a project.


This was my first hackathon participation and we had the chance to win the 2nd place of this beautiful competition. Me and my team developped a webapp called 'STD' to simplify the organization of their google calendar. The application lets student upload their syllabi, and then automatically updates the student's google calendar with the correct dates for their exams and assignments. This saves a lot of potential time and makes sure that no human error is commited.
2022/05 - Ongoing


The mandate of this contract was to create a smart-contract for an NFT launch. This challenge was for me an introduction to web3 applications and the blockchain. Coding a smart contract was for me a completely different experience than anything else I ever worked on. With the contract being immutable once deployed, we had to be extra careful with its developpement. This taught me the skills of diligence and leadership and most importantly, what it was to undertake a project of my own!

Personal Project

This project for me was an introduction to Data science. Thanks to this project, I got introduced to the concepts of machine learning, probability, statistics, and models. The goal was to create a Random-forest classifier from scratch, with nothing but python and no libraries, in order to really understand its functionning. I was able to correctly estimate whether an indivual was at risk of having a haeart disease given a set of covariates. Please look at my github for more information!
2022/07 - Ongoing


With a team of dedicated enthusiasts, we are working on an application and web app to facilitate the organisation, communication, and overall interactions between employer and employee. This project is a great way for me and my team to learn the essential skills of leadership, software architecture, tech stacks and much more. It is also a fun way to step into the “big pants” world by trying to leave a mark of our own.
2022/07 - Ongoing


Along with great people from my beloved university, McGill, we have created the CHAP's club, which stands for 'Competitive Hackathons And Programming Club'. Our goal is to provide support for anyone who wishes to be more involved in programming in any shape or form. By doing projects, we provide people who have not yet experienced the professional world the opportunity to learn what it is to be industry standard!